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Nice legs! You must work out!

2011 February 9

Image courtesy of Everkinetic.

My female trainer started talking shit today.

I once was an awesome leg presser, back when I had a personal trainer for 16 months in 2002 and 2003. He had more than 40 clients, and I was in his top 3 on the leg press.

I don’t often get to brag about my muscles, so bear with me.

This didn’t happen overnight, but my quads and my glutes became rock solid over time. I trained at small facility where I was the only person in the room, other than my trainer. He would push me so hard that I would be yelling at the end — actually, it was more like screaming.

OK, I’m bragging. But it actually wasn’t that cool. The bottom end of many of my boxers got to the point where they were too tight around my thighs. I also cannot recall a time a woman looked at my upper thighs and asked me, “Wow, do you work out?”

The leg press was the first exercise we did every session (which was only once a week then; it’s three times a week with Paisley now). And I felt I spent too much on the leg press at the expense of other exercises, like curls. I never got the bulk in my arms that I had hoped for.

But damn, those rock solid thighs.

Paisley knows this, because I’ve told her about it more than once. Hey, let this overweight 32-year-old have something to brag about!

So what did she say to me today as I finished my second set on the leg press?

“Wow, good job. You finally got up to the weight I press.”

Food Journal:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk and dried cranberries; walnuts
Snack: Protein shake with banana
Lunch: Tuna wrap with tomato and veggies in spinach tortilla
Snack: Hard-boiled egg, small apple, low-fat string cheese
Dinner: California sushi roll with brown rice (six)

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