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Modifying the diet: Careful with carbs

2011 February 28

I pay Paisley Ann Meekin, my trainer, for 30-minute weight training sessions three times a week.

Last week, we only got in only one session. I was too sick to work out on Wednesday, and I was in Las Vegas on Friday. So today we combined two sessions into one at my request, but not a weight was lifted during the first half hour.

Paisley and I reviewed this very blog and went over the the food I’ve been eating the past six weeks. We have four weeks left of the Just Lose It! weight-loss contest, and I’m ready to put things into high gear. The $1,000 cash prize would more than make up what I lost on black this weekend.

I had a trainer once before, in 2002 and 2003. But we never covered diet any more than what you eat is important. I think Paisley puts a larger focus on diet than most trainers, and a week before the contest began we spent an hour going over the Glycemic index and talking metabolism, protein, carbs and fat … you know, fun stuff. Paisley has a degree in nutrition and doesn’t believe in counting calories. She just teaches you to eat five to six meals a day, and balance the meals between 40 percent protein, 40 percent carbs and 20 percent fat.

As I began to show Paisley pictures of the meals on this blog and on my phone, she seemed to just nod in agreement.

“Yep, that’s good … I like that meal … Good job cooking that pasta up all by yourself.”

From our discussion, I found that the 40-40-20 thing isn’t an exact science. It’s less like rules, and more like guidelines. I’m glad I’m doing a decent job, but I wanted to know what I could do to take it to a new level.

Paisley came up with a plan.

From here on out, I’m going to focus on the 40 percent that comprises carbs. Paisley suggested eliminating most bread products in favor of carbs exclusively from fruits, vegetables and other greens. No more whole wheat tortillas. No more mini bagels. No more bread.

If I pull this off, I might even win that $1,000 cash prize.

That would be more than enough for another trip to Vegas.

Food Journal (click to view):
Breakfast: Brown rice California sushi rolls
Snack: Protein shake
Lunch: Baked salmon, grapes, raw cashews
Snack: Perfect food bar
Dinner: Chicken and a couple brown rice California sushi rolls

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