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The unofficial Friday weigh-in

2011 February 11

Weighing in at 246.2 pounds on my scale.

We are adding a new feature to this blog: the Friday Weigh-in.

We are going to use my home scale for this weigh-in because I think it’s more accurate than the scale Paisley makes me stand on before our Monday morning workout. Also, I want to gauge my progress Friday morning to mitigate any effects of binge drinking on the weekend.

Paisley’s scale is still the Official Unofficial Weight.

My home scale should now be considered the Unofficial Unofficial Weight.

Just so we’re clear, on Jan. 17 a Lloyd Athletic Center employee took my Official Official Weight, as well as several measurements of my body. (Get your mind out of the gutter). When the Just Lose It! contest ends, I’ll say more about my Official Official Starting Weight, and compare it to my ending weight, but for now we’ll measure my progress through my Unofficial Unofficial Weight and my Official Unofficial Weight.

There is about a 10-pound discrepancy between Paisley’s Official Unofficial Scale and the Unofficial Unofficial Scale.

To try to pinpoint my true weight, I stepped on three scales today.

First, I used the Unofficial Unofficial Scale and came in at 246.2 pounds.

Second, I stepped on the Parents’ Unofficial Scale and came in at 238 pounds.

Third, I stepped on the Brother’s Unofficial Scale and came in at about 248 pounds.

So … I don’t really know how much I weigh. I just know I’m still fat.

But I’m working on it.

Food Journal:
Breakfast: Whole wheat penne pasta with lean ground turkey and garlic sauce, sliced red bell pepper, celery.
Snack: Protein shake.
Lunch: Buffalo chicken wrap with tomato-basil tortilla (just one of the two), low fat string cheese.
Snack: Buffalo chicken wrap with tomato-basil tortilla (the second of the two), handful of walnuts.
Dinner: Whole wheat penne pasta with lean ground turkey and garlic sauce, handful of almonds.

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